Clean Heart

Against you and you only have I sinned
In selfishness and pride
I've turned to my desires once again

Against you and you only have I strayed
I've listened to the lies
I’ve left your love and chosen my own way

Have mercy have mercy
Do what only you can do

Create in me a clean heart
Wash me of my sin
Lord pardon my offense
Restore to me the great joy
Of knowing when I stray
My life’s forever tethered to your grace

For the many hurtful things I have done
For choices I have made
For building my own Kingdom my own name

And for the thousand deeds that I have left undone
For failing to forgive
Forgetting to love as you have loved me

Forgive me forgive me
Christ alone is my defense

Create in me a clean heart
Wash me of my sin
Lord pardon my offense
Restore to me the great joy
Of knowing when I stray
My life’s forever tethered to your grace

Have mercy have mercy
Do what only you can do

Create in me a clean heart
Wash me of my sin
Lord pardon my offense
Restore to me the great joy
Of knowing when I stray
My life’s forever tethered to your grace

Craig Swift, Jeffrey Norris, Laura Story

© 2023 Laura's Stories and Songs; Lil Doots Music; Perimeter Church Music Publishing (admin. by Fun Attic Music, LLC ); Perimeter Worship Publishing