Eastertide Song Reflections

Welcome to Eastertide Song Reflections, a daily resource during this season of Easter from Abiding Way Ministries. Each day during Eastertide you will find a short reflection here based on a worship song, hymn, or other piece of music that echoes the themes of this season. It is our prayer that this resource will draw you into deep appreciation and worshipful gratitude for the victory of Jesus as you reflect on the meaning of the empty tomb over these 50 days.

Eastertide is a time of great joy, celebration, appreciation, and gratitude. While the focus is on the empty tomb, the empty cross also sits as a reminder of what the Resurrection of Jesus has rendered powerless. Each of the songs offered will center on images, texts, and ideas from the Easter season, and will be accompanied by a few thoughts and questions for refection. Use these in your personal devotions, or perhaps listen together with family members or friends, spending time in conversation afterwards.

Each song will be linked to an online opportunity to listen, and will be embedded in the post if possible. Due to the policies of some streaming sites, the song may be preceded by an advertisement, which is unfortunately out of our control. You may wish to mute the advertisement and sit in silence until the song begins.

God bless you as you draw near to Him during this important season.