Saturday Reflections
On Saturdays during our Lenten Devotional time we sill simply sit with an instrumental version of a well-known hymn or worship song. Our weeks are so full, so busy, so noisy…use these Saturdays to prepare your hearts for gathered worship by reflecting on lyrics and Scripture in a space of stillness and simplicity.
Today’s hymn is the classic “Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling.” It came to mind while mulling over the image of repentance this week as a “turning.” It’s an image that calls to mind the Prodigal Son who repents of his sin and returns home to his father, fully aware that he has no reason to expect anything but rebuke and rejection. But we know how he is actually received—he is welcomed home as a beloved son.
May these words remind us all that the God who invites us into a journey of humility and repentance does so because more than anything, he desires to see his beloved children come home.
Scripture for Meditation:
One thing I asked of the Lord; this I seek: to live in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple.
For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
he will set me high on a rock.
Now my head is lifted up above my enemies all around me,
and I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make melody to the Lord.
—Psalm 27:4-6 (NRSV)
Song: Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling Instrumental (lyrics after video)
Lyrics for Reflection
Read through the lyrics of this hymn slowly and prayerfully. Read them more than once, and pay attention to the movement of your soul as you pray. What words or phrases grab your attention? Why? As you finish, sit in prayerful silence before God and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you something of your need and God’s provision that emerges from these words.
(Please note: the lyrics are arranged to match this particular recording)
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling for you and for me
See on the portals He's waiting and watching
Watching for you and for meWhy should we tarry when Jesus is pleading
Pleading for you and for me
Why should we linger and heed not His mercies
Mercies for you and for meCome home come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling O sinner come home(INSTRUMENTAL BREAK)
O for the wonderful love He has promised
Promised for you and for me
Tho we have sinned He has mercy and pardon
Pardon for you and for meCome home come home
Ye who are weary come home
Earnestly tenderly Jesus is calling
Calling O sinner come home
Calling O sinner come home