Over the past year, our Worship Song Reflections have taken on a number of different forms, from daily devotionals during Lent and Advent to weekly reflections offered each Monday for individuals and small groups. Our hope and prayer with this resource is to provide worshipful and reflective space for meditating on Scripture, and in conversation and prayer we’ve discerned that the daily approach is best suited for this.
Starting Monday, January 24th, we will be providing a daily reflection on one of the Scripture readings from the Revised Common Lectionary for that week (more information on the RCL can be found here), paired with a song of worship and questions for personal reflection. Since the RCL typically provides four readings per week, we will also provide a final reflection on Fridays that looks back over the themes of the week and offers additional thoughts paired with a song and questions.
This resource can be used individually or in small groups. If you’d be interested in using in as a small group discussion guide, suggestions for that can be found in our FAQ page here.
May God bless you as you draw near to him in worship and Scripture!