Readings for Sunday, June 20,2021

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Please note—during Ordinary Time, we follow the thematic strand of Old Testament readings

Lectionary Readings for June 20, 2021

Reading One: Job 38:1-11 (NRSV)

Song: Perfect Wisdom of Our God (lyrics here)


Our readings for this week begin with God’s answer to Job out of the whirlwind, where Job is reminded of God’s sovereignty and “beyond-ness.” In these words we see images that will be echoed in our other readings, declaring God’s power and might over creation, particularly over the waters. The image of “the waters” in the Old Testament is often a symbol of chaos (going back to Genesis 1:1-2), and in these passages we are reminded of God’s perfect wisdom and power over every chaos and turbulence of this world.

Can you think of a time when you have been reminded of God’s sovereignty and power? How did it bring you to a greater awareness of his wisdom and might? Spend some time in prayer asking God to show you more of the “matchless wisdom of his ways that mark the path of righteousness,” as the song declares.

Reading Two: Psalm 107:1-3,Psalm 107:23-32 (NRSV)

Song: God of Wonders (lyrics here)


The psalmist declares the steadfast love of the Lord, revealed in his mighty acts of redemption. One such act is God’s rescue of sailors who cry out to the Lord in the midst of a great storm, and God brings them out of their treacherous situation. God’s command over the wind and waves inspires the people of God to thank him, to extol him, and to praise him (vv. 31-32). When we come face-to-face with God’s might and power, we can’t help but respond in praise and worship.

When you sing songs of praise, are you drawn to more intimate lyrics that tell of our relationship with Jesus, or to lyrics that extol the greatness of the Lord and declare his might and glory? We need a balance in our worship, and both of these perspectives are necessary. What hymns or songs are particularly meaningful for you in declaring the greatness of God? Perhaps take a moment and find a recording you can listen to our even sing along with. How can you build similar moments of praise into your walk with God more regularly?

(an interesting side-note—this recording of “God of Wonders” was made during the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminding us that we praise God for his greatness even in the midst of the chaos)

Reading Three: 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 (NRSV)

Song: Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor (lyrics here)


In this passage, the Apostle Paul points to the chaos of hardship and persecution he has endured as a servant of the gospel, but points out that the trials only serve to authenticate his ministry. When we commit ourselves to the work of the Lord, we are opening ourselves to difficulty and opposition. Jesus warned us of this truth (John 16:33), but he also promised to be with us in the midst of it (Matthew 28:20).

This song encourages us to “hold fast to the anchor” when all else seems to be sinking around us. How have you experienced Christ as your anchor of faith, “ever faithful, ever true?” Pray that God would continue to reveal his sustaining power in your life as you seek to live faithfully to his call.

Reading Four: Mark 4:35-41 (NRSV)

Song: Peace, Be Still (lyrics here)


We finish with perhaps the most famous example of how God brings peace in the midst of the storm. We often like to think of this story in a spiritual sense, reminding us that God stills the storms in our hearts. But this story serves primarily to demonstrate that Jesus is the same God who commands the wind and waves, just as we saw in Job and Psalm 107. This passage can remind us of God’s peace in our lives, but it also reminds us who Jesus is—he is God with us, the one who rules over wind and water.

What does it mean to you to know that the same God who spoke creation into being, who commands the wind and waves, who sustains all things by his powerful hand…this same God has made himself known to you in Jesus? That he actually now dwells in your heart through faith in Christ? Spend some time thanking God for his infinite power and intimate love.